Volunteer Preperation (8214) -For more information about how you can prepare for a trip to Zimbabwe as a volunteer.
Tool Container List – Click here to download the tool list that you can expect to have while working at Sanyati.
Roofing Manual – Click here to download a PDF that explains the correct way to install the new roofing system at Sanyati.
Orientation – Click here to download a PDF that describes what to pack and how to prepare for spending two weeks in Zimbabwe.
Travel Insurance – Click here to see the travel insurance coverage details.
Passports – It is extremely important that you have a passport before you can travel out of the country. It can take up to 4 months to get a passport, so we strongly advise you to apply for a passport as soon as you decide you want to go out of the country. If you have a passport, make sure that the return date of your trip is several weeks before the expiration of your passport. If you miss a flight, you don’t want to be a week late returning home with an expired passport!
Immigration- Upon arriving in Zimbabwe, you will be required to fill out an immigration form. You can download a copy of it here so that you know exactly what information you will need to have with you.
Money – Zimbabwe uses the US dollar for currency (as of 3/14/2011). You will want to take a lot of small bills (lots of $1′s and $5′s, a few $10 and $20) because they will not give you change in return of your US dollars. Talk to your trip leader about this before leaving.