• The First Team of Volunteers has Been Made!

    Posted on September 28, 2010 by in Update from Sanyati

    Wanted to share the news that we have our first team for 2011 scheduled to work at Sanyati Baptist Hospital.  We have a group of guys from Kentucky going from May 8 through May 19.  Praise God for His provision!

3 Responses so far.

  1. Kemi orekoya says:

    Praise, Honor and Glory to God Almighty for the mighty works he is doing in Sanyati Baptist Hospital. May the Lord bless the FRAY family for the wonderful and inspiring video made. Amen

  2. Gail says:

    Hey, any update on the team who went in May? Jeff said there was a team of volunteer doctors and nurses serving at the hospital. We have friends who would be interested in doing that. Can you give me the contact info to pass to them?

  3. jordanfray says:

    Your comment reminds me to post an email i recently received about the first team’s trip to Sanyati. Check out the blog for information about the trip.

    To protect the Byler’s contact information, I don’t want to post it here. Please send an email to Peter Sierson at psierson@pleasantheights.com

    He will give you all of the information you need about going to Zimbabwe to serve.